Sunday, January 20, 2008

Xanadu the Musical

So a while back i worked on the most amazing commercial for perhaps one of my favorite 1am "i can't believe this is a movie have you seen this shit" movies...Xanadu.
Its was a pretty fun little shoot. Can't wait to see how it came out. I should air nationally. The cast was surprisingly down to earth with a few exception . i have come to except to be very annoyed by theater peoples extrovert star int heir own mind personalities but this young cast was very sweet and talented. and it seems the gay community is very excited not only for the show but many for the shows shockingly tall tan openly gay lead Cheyenne.

Qoute of the day on set.

Cheyenne: " Where can i go where all my dreams can come true..."
Muse: " I'll give you a c rollar disco.."

then a bunch of stars and rainbows fly around the room . pastel colored toga clad muses of all races and obvious gayness rollerskating joyously around the room.

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