Monday, January 28, 2008


Perhaps to balance my last blog i should give a bit of GIRL ADVICE

To the ladies, here is a simple observation i have found very often to be true.

Oral fixation

I am telling you girls. Guys who like food they can eat with their hands, smoking, and drinking, will give you some love if you know what I mean. ORAL FIXATIONS.

Can I get a hell yeah!!!!

I will be honest here when ever I see a husky boy smoking a cigarette with a beer in his hand, I get some thoughts. i am just saying ladies we all know what we all love. i love it, can't get enough of it, and have notice a useful pattern for getting it.

I am just saying to the ladies we all know what we love here and keep your eyes open .

OH And he must be wearing plaid …I really like plaid . It has nothing to do with anything, i just like that its complex and stylized without losing masculinity.

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