Monday, January 28, 2008


I love moments where i get first hand perspective of how guy minds work.
I don't know how the subject came up but once while hanging out with a group of guy friends( Which became a habit of mine towards the end of the my college experience), i got to hear a bit of precious guy advice.
my friend stephan older brother, whom i like to call his hot older brother, which i get the feeling stephan has heard often.Had given stephan some advice on getting woman. now this advice was not entirely original and i had come to recognize this scenario though observing my many selfish film boy friends.

he advised him that when at a party or social gathering to chat a girl up for a good long while. ask lots of question, really engage her, using as said the ask lots of question manipulation to create an impression of conversation. because mainly most people cannot resist talking about themselves and this makes men appear like good listeners.
then just peace out. step away from the girl and from a visible distance show attention to another girl.
this has a disarming effect. here even if she was just enjoying your conversation and still had her wits about her enough to not really let anything happen. you have now raised the stakes. her ego is engaged and the threat of competition has away with woman.
even the most reasonable woman can become ferule.
you must then return to the original girl , first by making physical contact. this engages another level of intimacy while showing her unique attention. a touch on the neck, a brush of the arm, what ever just be subtle nothing too aggressive or you look like your trying too hard.
from there i forgot the steps...i think there is more but its good foundation for manipulation and insecurity.
in truth this method can be effective but really most often with a very certain type of girl.
for sure it will work with your typical daddy issues broken girl who is just itching for the connection...and the naive inexperience types are highly at risk . not to say self assured woman wont fall for it but with them you really gotta step up the game in the initial conversation portion.
i am not talking about this because i advice men to use it or to admonish those who do. i am not even accusing stephan of using such manipulation but i mean who could resist.
attraction can become such a game, who wouldn't want a little edge.
i am just raising awareness that i am a woman aware of it. there are guys whom seem sweet in nature whom are aware of it too. its seems like one of those thing that happens and by instinct we know it but rarely is it spoken.

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