Saturday, January 26, 2008

dish of the week

Grasshopper Tacos

Upon reading an artical about adventurous dining in new york i sought out a traditional Mexican restaurant corrupting itself amongst the hipster Manhattan dining in Chelsea that has a few special dish hidden in it otherwise forgettable menu.

This overpriced culture killer is the home of a famous Manhattan chef of Mexican decent whom like to blend Manhattan chic dining with traditional Mexican recipes. what does that mean. well traditional means no freaking nachos or other bastardized tex mex creation your better seeking out at chili's.

it does mean frois gras and wasabi some how making its way into your taco. I was there for one thing and one thing alone. Grasshopper tacos....they were described as starting off with a nutty cracker jack like texture and taste and then finishing with a hint of prune bitterness.

i like cracker jacks and i like prunes and as it comes to stand i very much like grasshopper taco. they are not NOT NOT NOT pretty. but closes your eyes and open up. if you can stand the occasional feeling of being aware a grasshopper legs is stuck between your teeth . you'll love this tasty Mexican tradition

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