Wednesday, October 8, 2008


i remember watching Troll when i was a little kid. My mom let me watch horror movies a lot as a kid. in fact it wasn't even a question with her, which is weird for her because she is usually ridiculously protective.
i think i must have watched it when it played as a Spine Tingler, which where scary movies (usually bad one) that played TV on Sunday afternoons.
For long time i could only remember bits and pieces of it but not really anything scary. it was the idea of the film that always stuck with me. the idea an urban contemporary environment could be transformed into sometime other worldly. I remember shots like the cop being sucked through a tenement door into a magic forest not very different looking then my own backyard. I remember a little person being transformed into a puck or elf-like creature. sometime here in New york when i am in apartment building like the one in the movie i like to pretend behind some door is a door to another realm. its a comforting thought for me.
I always was inspired by the idea of that movie. It been on cable lately cuz i guess they are remaking it possibly with Ally Lohan. I am not gonna hate on it just yet. with some care it could actually make a good movie but Lohan not exactly aking it to another level.

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