Monday, February 16, 2009

joaquin is quitting acting to become a rapper

So Joaquin phoenix is claiming to be quitting acting so he can focus on a music career in hip hop. so he's been sporting this beard and doing some shituois appearences with his buddies rapping. come on he is totally punking us and no ones really buying it.
he's doing his best to pull an andy kauffman but we're on to it. every where he goes these days he has some buddies filming him.
but let him have his moment...a few months will pass maybe a year or two and then he'll get back to making movies.


My mom called me 3 times today to talk about this Fado singer. she even called once just to tell me not to pick up the next cal because she was gonna play some of her music into my voice mail.
when my mother was young she dreamed of being a fado singer. make sense for her, the music is so dramatic and meloncoly, just as she was as a young girl. i am surpirsing her with tickets to a concert in march. they are actually the most i ever paid for a concert. but i don't think my mother has ever been to a concert in her life.
i think it would make her extremely happy and tearful at the same time./ its hard not to be moved by this type of music. for us its close to our upbringing and culture but really the themes of unrequited and lost love are universal.
mariza is one of the world most famous fado singers. my mother told me she thought i look like her...though i love her sound i am not so flattered by that comparison.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009