Thursday, January 31, 2008

pope says some science shatters human dignity

In a recent speech the pope is qouted saying that embryonic stem cell research, artificial insemination and the prospect of human cloning had "shattered" human dignity. The speech was the latest in a series in which the conservative Pope has told his listeners that scientific progress should not be accepted uncritically.

Practices like freezing embryos, suppression of embryos in multiple pregnancies, embryonic stem cell research, the prospect of human cloning and artificial insemination outside the body had "shattered the barriers meant to protect human dignity", he said.

"When human beings in the weakest and most defenseless state of their existence are selected, abandoned, killed or used as pure 'biological material,' how can one deny that they are being treated not as 'someone' but as 'something.

get your t-shirts

Jonah Hill is my boyfriend

A few things i love

1) Jew Fro
2) boys with glasses
3) husky boys
4) Aptow movies

Jonah Hill i could soo fuck you.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Notice he is using his ring finger?!?!?!


Perhaps to balance my last blog i should give a bit of GIRL ADVICE

To the ladies, here is a simple observation i have found very often to be true.

Oral fixation

I am telling you girls. Guys who like food they can eat with their hands, smoking, and drinking, will give you some love if you know what I mean. ORAL FIXATIONS.

Can I get a hell yeah!!!!

I will be honest here when ever I see a husky boy smoking a cigarette with a beer in his hand, I get some thoughts. i am just saying ladies we all know what we all love. i love it, can't get enough of it, and have notice a useful pattern for getting it.

I am just saying to the ladies we all know what we love here and keep your eyes open .

OH And he must be wearing plaid …I really like plaid . It has nothing to do with anything, i just like that its complex and stylized without losing masculinity.


I love moments where i get first hand perspective of how guy minds work.
I don't know how the subject came up but once while hanging out with a group of guy friends( Which became a habit of mine towards the end of the my college experience), i got to hear a bit of precious guy advice.
my friend stephan older brother, whom i like to call his hot older brother, which i get the feeling stephan has heard often.Had given stephan some advice on getting woman. now this advice was not entirely original and i had come to recognize this scenario though observing my many selfish film boy friends.

he advised him that when at a party or social gathering to chat a girl up for a good long while. ask lots of question, really engage her, using as said the ask lots of question manipulation to create an impression of conversation. because mainly most people cannot resist talking about themselves and this makes men appear like good listeners.
then just peace out. step away from the girl and from a visible distance show attention to another girl.
this has a disarming effect. here even if she was just enjoying your conversation and still had her wits about her enough to not really let anything happen. you have now raised the stakes. her ego is engaged and the threat of competition has away with woman.
even the most reasonable woman can become ferule.
you must then return to the original girl , first by making physical contact. this engages another level of intimacy while showing her unique attention. a touch on the neck, a brush of the arm, what ever just be subtle nothing too aggressive or you look like your trying too hard.
from there i forgot the steps...i think there is more but its good foundation for manipulation and insecurity.
in truth this method can be effective but really most often with a very certain type of girl.
for sure it will work with your typical daddy issues broken girl who is just itching for the connection...and the naive inexperience types are highly at risk . not to say self assured woman wont fall for it but with them you really gotta step up the game in the initial conversation portion.
i am not talking about this because i advice men to use it or to admonish those who do. i am not even accusing stephan of using such manipulation but i mean who could resist.
attraction can become such a game, who wouldn't want a little edge.
i am just raising awareness that i am a woman aware of it. there are guys whom seem sweet in nature whom are aware of it too. its seems like one of those thing that happens and by instinct we know it but rarely is it spoken.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


INspriation for ainimation

OH Eugene

So lately i have been kinda of a junkie for the "alternative" comedy scene here in New York. The host of many of these modestly priced but equally hilarious shows has been my new favorite voice Eugene Mirman.
you may know him as the landlord on Flight of the Concorde's
He seems to be the prom king of a band of misfit comedians that i have had the pleasure of seeing at many $5 shows with no bothersome drink minimum. not that i have held back on the drinking.
While my comedy appreciating wingman and i giggle over who was tech cutest of the comedians we had seen that eve, Eugene is always our favorite. Those tired eyes and that dulcet tone that just makes you wanna sit on a speaker, if he had pictures in Teen Beat we would surely have torn them out and covered our walls with them.
you can get to know Eugeen on his web page
or his videos on superdeluxe or funny or die or at Union Hall every Sunday as he Tears the Veil of Maya.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

dish of the week

Grasshopper Tacos

Upon reading an artical about adventurous dining in new york i sought out a traditional Mexican restaurant corrupting itself amongst the hipster Manhattan dining in Chelsea that has a few special dish hidden in it otherwise forgettable menu.

This overpriced culture killer is the home of a famous Manhattan chef of Mexican decent whom like to blend Manhattan chic dining with traditional Mexican recipes. what does that mean. well traditional means no freaking nachos or other bastardized tex mex creation your better seeking out at chili's.

it does mean frois gras and wasabi some how making its way into your taco. I was there for one thing and one thing alone. Grasshopper tacos....they were described as starting off with a nutty cracker jack like texture and taste and then finishing with a hint of prune bitterness.

i like cracker jacks and i like prunes and as it comes to stand i very much like grasshopper taco. they are not NOT NOT NOT pretty. but closes your eyes and open up. if you can stand the occasional feeling of being aware a grasshopper legs is stuck between your teeth . you'll love this tasty Mexican tradition


Peter Callesen

Friday, January 25, 2008

Artist of the Week

painter and "cartonniere"

I discovered Annie work when i was trying to find a pattern for a nude needle point design. Once while living in Astoria i was taking a walk and stumbled upon the cutest little old school needle point shop sandwiched tightly between a Croatian travel agency and a Greek video and cable access hook up store.
i had driven past it many time but had i not been walking feet from its window i would have never noticed it.

in the cluttered window full of dated needle point materials and inspiration was a 18" x 24" pattern of a voluptuous dark hair woman top less from the waist up. it was a very 70's in style and color. the shop was sadly clothed or i would have instantly purchased it though i have never needle pointed in my life.
It was so out of character from the rest of the materials in the window and for this neighbor hood in fact. In Williamsburg the hipster would have happily made it the deity for its ironic nature. this goddess would be worshiped in windows all over hipster ville. But Astoria?
So some of Anne work remind me of that moment in time.
He site is difficult to navigate but its worth checking out some of her stuff . Especially the masters paintings .

damn this woman can work a needle.

Annie quotes:
Human beings have a natural desire to illuminate, to give forms to shadows.

We know arguments have been made before and will be made again for the superiority of work that is both utilitarian and beautiful.
Over that which is merely the last, and vice versa ?

Canvaswork is a neologism referring to needlework art on canvas. Today, people refers to canvaswork as "needlepoint", but this last is a north America idiomatic word not used in English language.

Vvvvvlllaaaa dooo u vont a cookie

The COUNT + this Muppet = VLAD

Oh my favorite new person now, works with me at the restaurant.

He is this amazing gentleman ( he very much deserve the distinction of being called a gentleman by the way), whose god given name is appropriately amazing , Vladimir Vladimir.

Vladimir could easily translate in a muppet. He has a Croatian accent and tone of voice that sounds very similar to the Count from Sesame Street. He is tall, with a mustache and has his posture that give him visual a sense of humor and warmth that very much matches his nature.
he's humor and openness seems effortless.

he has been with the restaurant 15yrs, like many in this micro community he has a Eastern European charm and easy nature that can at time make him seem either like he is getting away with something or he is working diligently.

Vlad has a sweet tooth. many mornings after walking over the bridge from Astoria to midtown Manhattan in rain, shine or as of lately bitter bitter cold, he often has a box of cookie or chocolate in hand that he is very willing to share.
I swear the first time Vlad offered me a cookie at 9:50 a.m. he most have thought i think cookies are the greatest thing int eh world by my reaction to him...0

"Noo- rEE- na vood uoo laa-ike a coo-keee."

i almost pissed myself it was so amazingly like the cookie monster and the count mated and made this amazingly charming man.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sharkes vs wolves

Bulgarian waiter

Well you’re a good looking girl and you should watch out there are a lot of sharks around here

Film Boy SCAD Employee

I am just saying you should watch out because the wolves are circling if you know what I mean.

I love when lame men try to give women advice on guarding themselves from the predatory nature of men. As if they were heeding expert advice. Men of this kind I have noticed often have a dueling perspective on women. By their own admission they claim women have all the power and we know it but then they vainly hand out advice on sexuality and relationships and such as if they are the knowing side of the battle.

It’s really just a manipulation…an obvious attempt to appear on the controlled side of the situation. Though they too are male, they do not exactly include themselves in the “they” they warn of. But with a flirty eye they alude they are.

I really don’t feel woman have all the power. I am aware very much of the type of man whom often makes that claim. I won’t say he knows nothing about woman, or even about human nature. It just really seems like just doesn’t know himself.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


i remember when i first saw him dancing on the bleachers in 10 things i hate about you .
i remember when i first saw him passionate kiss and then some another man. i remember thinking wow guys kissing guys can be hot sometime.
i was at work and people were getting calls from concerned friend and family telling them the tragic news. the news in new york was all a buzz. new yorkers are taking it especially hard. everyone has a ledger stories and citing. people were a bit too'd think it was 9/11.
holy balls is the next batman gonna make a shit ton of money...

Snakes on the mother fucking brain

I won’t say that I am scared of snake’s per say but that I am afraid of snakes.

I aesthetically love snakes, I like the feel of the skin, I love their sinew form, and I love the diversity of the species. But I know. I JUST KNOW that snakes DON’T like me.

When I was a kid I used catch snakes with my friends and keep them in an old aquarium in my garage. Well one night the temperature dropped dramatically .Not knowing the proper procedure for keeping amphibians, the next morning I found myself the owner of a disturbing tangled ball of frozen solid snakes.

My heart dropped. AND I KNEW I was going to hell in that moment. Though I know NOW I am definitely on the snake shit list.

Because didn’t know then which I sadly know now is that perhaps those poor snakes would have had a chance had I not let the neighbor boys know what I found.

Because as I have been informed as an adult is that snakes in winter can hibernate and reanimate when it gets warmer.

But there is probably little chance of that happening after a group of young boys keep them in a freezer and take them out from time to time to p-lay catch , ding dong ditch and god knows what else with them.

Yes I truly believe that I got it coming to me and if snakes have a shit list I am for sure on it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

cut it out

A few of my cut paper creations...each 4"x6" .

bset part of waking up is tranny in your bed

pretty pretty tea

These hand-sewn Blooming Teas were a discovery during a trip to Korea where a village monk was selling it and hand-sewing it one by one.

The leaves are either Green Tea or White Tea. Both are known for its potent anti-oxidant benefits. They help improve memory, reduce signs of aging, and have slimming properties (all qualities we need to embrace during the holidays!). Flower teas have always been a staple in the Asian tea ritual. It has been known to clear the skin and hydrate from the inside out which is very important during the party season. Besides being visually pleasing to the eye the health benefits are definitely an added bonus.

i too love moranis

Sunday, January 20, 2008

1st is the best

The best part about restaurant jobs is the first day.
I have worked a hand full of restaurant jobs . Though the food and beverage industry is not something i aspire to have a career in. i have to admit i do have pride in the restaurants i have had the chance to be apart of. i have worked only in places with great menus and very nice atmosphere. though the kitchen may be a mess and the staff is often comprised of a motley crew of narcissist, sex and drug addicts, and drama queens.
I have had great opportunities to learn about international cuisine, the science of flavor, architecture, and culture.
In New York i have worked in place with celebrity chefs and impressive reputations.
Currently i am spending time with a great place while taking time to do more painting.
The food is incredible, they don't' allow jeans or sneakers, and the chef is gonna be on Iron chef tonight.
so back to way i beleive restaurant jobs are great ont eh first day.
Well at least in fine dining. Its important in these type of places that you can confidently speak about the food. they want everyone to talk about the cuisine as if you trained as a chef at the Sorbonne itself, toured all the world learning all the spices, fine ingredients, flavors and cooking techniques in the world and then made the customer this special dish just for them.
So often on your first day or one of your first few will do a tasting. how in depth this tasting is very much depends on the establishment. Some places i have sat in the main dining room during services so i may understand the customers full dining experience, while plate after plate of their best dishes are brought out while a manager explains in detail what it is i am tasting, what region the meats and fishes are from, how they are cooked, what the china comes from. Everything is fine detail and its amazing sometime. Its such a great opportunity to learn about fine food and wine.
and best of all its free in fact they are paying me for my time. i love this experience. it the closest i can come to being a host on a travel channel or cooking show.
i had tasting the other day at my restaurant and here are some of the amazing thing i got to me no matter how scary some of it may seem to you. its all amazing.

Xanadu the Musical

So a while back i worked on the most amazing commercial for perhaps one of my favorite 1am "i can't believe this is a movie have you seen this shit" movies...Xanadu.
Its was a pretty fun little shoot. Can't wait to see how it came out. I should air nationally. The cast was surprisingly down to earth with a few exception . i have come to except to be very annoyed by theater peoples extrovert star int heir own mind personalities but this young cast was very sweet and talented. and it seems the gay community is very excited not only for the show but many for the shows shockingly tall tan openly gay lead Cheyenne.

Qoute of the day on set.

Cheyenne: " Where can i go where all my dreams can come true..."
Muse: " I'll give you a c rollar disco.."

then a bunch of stars and rainbows fly around the room . pastel colored toga clad muses of all races and obvious gayness rollerskating joyously around the room.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Simon rex coming back at yah

Written by Simon Rex and Produced by the celebutant fuck buddy Cisco Adler featuring DJ AM and many other LA trendy DJ i only know from reading my mom's Star magazines.
I gotta admit though Simon Rex is still cute and i can say that having seen his not so secret Europe soft core porn with gay undertones.

This is am important Lesson

Latte Art

You know you've been working at Starbucks too long when....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Beauty Of the Week

If i could take bits and pieces of all the ladies i adore and admire....

Margaret Cho is currently starring in a new show called The Sensuous Woman in new york. It's an all-female belly dance/burlesque act, at the Zipper. According to her blog( yes i read it cuz i am obsessed with celeb blogs), the show “takes its name from a notorious bit of vinyl someone had at some point, which was a recording of a very articulate woman during a vigorous lovemaking session.”
Maybe it was the Emanuelle soundtrack.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The best softcore porn soundtrack

Have you ever seen the classic softcore porn film of the 70's Emanuelle. It had several sequels. Some guys my age are most fond of the recent incarnation with George Clooney fuck buddy the gorgeous Krista Allen.
I first heard of the original when i found the record soundtrack mingling amongst my mother record collection. There it was one day when i was like 12 years old stash between every Joan Baez and Cosby Stills and Nash album ever made.
Sylvia Krystal half naked in the cover sheet with many different guys and girls and Taiwanese. It was shocking and confusing and actually very nicely shoot very nicely in 70's soft focus light. I like the way people bodies seem to glow in that light.
Anyways i recent found that record again while borrowing some Beatles albums. Thought I'd share it with the public one again, like when i found it the first time and took it to school and let only my friends look at it and then told the guys it had cocks in it ( which it doesn't) and they all acted like they were disgusted ( which they weren't) and didn't want to see it anymore ( which they did).

Getting hot in here

My romate is a huge stop motion fan and so am i but she has introduced me too some lost gems...we all remember Rudolph the red nose Reindeer and Frosty the Snow man. BUt do you remember the Heatmiser...well he remembers you and that probably why it was about 60 something degree today in NY in January.
Heat Miser

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Monday, January 7, 2008

I miss Buckwild

Hot Wax Smokeshop Tampa Fl

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I miss Buckwild and some of my flavor flav girls! i know it wasnt quality television but i was mesmerized.

i love her

I have watch everyone of the Maria Bamford shows about a dozen times. I go home once a month to check on my mom and just full fill my daughterly duty to keep her company for at least a day or 2 then get high with my high school friends.
i usually sleep most of the experience away with my mom coming in every hour after 1pm trying to wake me up with pancakes or some white bread sandwich i would never make for myself.
then when i am up she makes me watch about 8 hours of shows she taped off of cable that she thought i would like. Sometimes its a hit like LA INK and sometimes its a miss like Meircat Manor, but i oblige cuz i am a good daughter.
most of the time i walk around taking artsy photos of myself biting the head of old childhood toys.
i like maria bamford. i would think we could be friends if we met in real life but i would most likely avoid that since many performer i have liked have been major tools in real life. I am talking to you Felicity Huffman and steve from sex and the city and one jeanine graffalo.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

i want this album does anyone know where i can get?!?!?!
Andy Kaufman is such a genius . i saw a show the other night and a comedian did a very poor version of this act. its one of those thing when it goes right its amazing...but wrong and its so awkward for the audience to sit there.its like watching your kid at a recital and knowing they are the worst performer and everyone just has to sit through it to see their kid.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

by the way

i know these pictures arent new but damn i am just noticing the mighty happy trail on Harry Potter. i know some girl who would like to take the hike.

who do you look like

i have long said that i rally don't look like anyone famous ...but recently i have gotten 3 people tell me that i look like Justine Bateman. which is very flattering but i really dont se it other then our similiar coloring.

i do see unfortunaiate ly my other celeb lookalike. which i have was told by my amazing but annoying blunt friend carina that i resemble..
Lois from family guy...whom i share a very distinct attribute with.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Auduborn on Viagra

My artistic inspiration of the week

Walton Ford was born in 1960 in Larchmont, New York. Ford graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with the intention of becoming a filmmaker, but later adapted his talents as a storyteller to his unique style of large-scale watercolor.
An enthusiast of the watercolors of John James Audubon, Ford celebrates the myth surrounding the renowned naturalist-painter while simultaneously repositioning him as an infamous anti-hero who, in reality, killed more animals than he ever painted.

simpsons go to paris