Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just Look at It

I watched this oil puddle stream into the sewer on the corner of a busy intersection while cars rushed past my head only a few feet away. just look it, look in to it , watch it. nothing was intended by my video it. i just felt this compulsion to do so.

Diablo Cody

I was getting kinda of annoyed that everytime the media talks about Diablo xcody they make mention that she was formerly a stripper. Even her IMDB account has teh word stripper in it about a 5 times. But to be fair she makes no secret of it and is an avid blogger whom has writen and spoken about her past and her unlikley rise as teh hollywood new it girl. either or fames whore or genius...i like her. she is adorable and with every racy picture that springs up of her i love her more. GO DIABLO


my mom told me to look this up...she thinks its so amazing jimmy got so many people to cameo in it. personal i think Sarah Silvermans video is ten times funnier. there is something to be said about just simple fuck matt damon.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Jeryy Springer the Musical

Black History Month

March is black history month...every year in school we had to do a report for black history month..and every year i did mine on Romare Bearden.
I have no idea wear i first heard of him but i know i choose him because so little people knew of him. even enthusiast of the art world were not that familiar i with.
I choose him as a subject for his obscurity for two reasons, one i alwyas almost annoying try to go for things that are little appreciated and two an obscure subject is a subject you are very unlikely to be called out on for getting any facts wrong about.
Though i may have handed in teh same paper on Romare over a half a dozen this day i have no idea if i have the fact right about him because few teacher ever knew anything of him to correct me on.

Scandinavian Fishing year Book

At work they is a small tight hallway lined with these framed posters identifying species of fungi, shell fish and various regional fish. i think they are absolutely amazing.
I have always been visual facinate4d by charts and maps...the kind of things that would decorate the wall of my high school science or math rooms.
he price though is only in European currency! i want to line my room with these and memorize them till i am expert at identifying all known species of fungi, butterflies and shrimp by sight.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Norman Mailer vs Rip Torn - on camera brawl

Vanity Fair did a brief write up on Norman Mailers and his experiments and exploits into film making.
I love bear like creature like Mailer. Did a stint in the Ivy league, did a stint in the military, had his moment of literary glory and had his moments of Hollywood disappointments.
if i were a man i would try to pattern myself after him. but in real life i am the type of woman who would be either offended by him in person, annoyed by his arrogance while secretly intrigued by him.
they mentioned this particular clip. there are many interpretations of it's authenticity . Could it be a great display of an actor and the filmmakers dedication to experimental film?

Monday, February 18, 2008

An example of the male gaze

Special Loan: Parmigianino's Antea: A Beautiful Artifice

On loan from the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples, now on display for the first time in twenty years in the U.S. at the Frick, New york.
A masterpiece of Italian Renaissance female portraiture, little is known about the painting.
While there is no known evidence definitively linking the woman Parmigianino depicted to a specific person, her identity has been the cause of speculation for centuries.
first identified as “Antea” ,the name of a famous sixteenth-century Roman courtesan.
She has been identified alternatively as the daughter or servant of the artist; a member of an aristocratic northern Italian family; and a noble bride. It is most likely, however, that the Antea represents an ideal beauty, a popular genre of portraiture during the Renaissance. In such portraits, the beauty of the woman and the virtues she stood for were the primary subject, while the sitter’s identity — and even her existence — were of secondary importance.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

New York Work

So i am finally seeing commercial for Be Kind Rewind and i am so excited...this was my first job here in New York. I was an art department intern during the filming. It was an amazing film to have this position on...i learned so much and got it wonder around some really impressive sets and prop making. many props and costumes were manufacture during the shooting at a warehouse by the office. so i got to explore everyday what was being thought u p and experimented with.

also The Wackness got picked up at Sundance, it was my first opportunity at set dressing. I had a lot of contact with fake drugs and got to be a first hand witness to the notorious Ben Kingsley / Mary Kate Olsen make out session.
Sadly Phoebe in Wonderland wasn't optioned at the festival. Elle Fannning is an excellent little actress and a very impressive young person. She is very smart and an intuitive actress , she also can sing and dance really well. she was this endless source of energy on set.
my dear friend Kanta had the exhausting job of keeping eyes on her for the bulk of the filming and from time to time i would releive her for a 30 mintues or so and i owould be so tired out from it. Elle would just dance, sing , and talk her way through the set. jumping over cables, and around set dresser, while i would try desperately to catch up
i preferred keeping eyes on my new favorite actor Bill Pullman, who ended up being every girl on sets set crush.
he just has that extremely personable quality and he is very intrigued by people and new information. he seemed at some point to have asked everyone on set about where their from, what they like to do when no on sets...maybe many actors are like this. you know for character study. i believe this may be a habit from his theater studies and teaching experience.

Also Lipstick Jungle a show i had the brief privilege to work on his now on'as not really the greatest replacement for Sex and the City. I think i might like cashmere Mafia more only for Lucy Lui waredrobe and i am fond of the upper west side character because she is so spot on. Lipstick 's character just dont push the edge with NY high Fashion and style, neither are teh character quite as defined in the way that woman loved on Sex and the City. I really don't care what Lipstick or ever Cashmere character i am most like...while for sec and the sity i would take the online quiz to find out.
i did though get to meet my fav 80's heart throb Andrew "Pretty in Pink" McCarthy.... who thankful is a very nice and funny playful guy. Some thing very kid like about him in person that makes you not notice his face has more now a days character from age . still got that drop you panties smile though.
Brooke Sheild also very pretty in person though she has clearly aged... she is still iconic and has amazing legs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Zach goes to Pre School


Viagra Oysters

So i thought it would be a sweet valentine to get my brother a subscription to Maxim magazine. late one night i was renewing my subscription to the economist and vanity fair and i i some how ended up sending Maxim to myself.
i came home from work the other day to find ,The Hills Heidi Montag shaken her ass at me, on my kitchen counter.
i explained to my roommates this was a mistake. they just consoled me and said that that its ok if i like Heidi Montag.
So i started reading the magazine and i have to admit i think it's fun to read. chalk full of interesting things.
like this weekend i cant wait to build my own ping pong ball gun, and i learn of such amazing delicatices such as fried bacon.
yes bacon, deeped in chicken fry batter then deep fried.
oh shit... that sound amazing.
and also i learned of a new Valentines aphrodisiac...

Its highly controversial in the oyster trade but oddly not illegal. for some reason i want to try them though they i am sure would not have the same effect on me as their intended market.
it embarrassing to read on the subway...i kept trying to conceal the cover but every once and a while i would flip the page to a half naked girl and someone would start reading over my shoulder.
i think i am gonna keep the subscription and just send my brother some candy instead.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


When i wrote for my college paper back in Ct. I used to get to see movies for free by writing reviews . to be honest i often took "inspiration" from other reviews from major papers or tv.
Oscar time was like a holiday for me.
I would spend the season rounding the various theaters that would show limited release films that often had the most striking Oscar worthy performance.

Here are are a few of my
winner predictions for this years Academy Awards.

Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role

Daniel  Day-Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis

There Will Be Blood

Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role

Javier  Bardem

Javier Bardem

No Country for Old Men

Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role

Marion  Cotillard

Marion Cotillard

La Vie en Rose

Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role

Cate  Blanchett

Cate Blanchett

I'm Not There

Achievement in Art Direction

Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Dante Ferretti (Art Direction); Francesca Lo Schiavo (Set Decoration)

Achievement in Sound Editing

There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood

Original Screenplay

Lars and the Real Girl

Lars and the Real Girl

Written by Nancy Oliver

Best picture don't even ask heart will be pounding out of my chest when they make that announcement. but i will say i am very fucking pissed off that due to some nomination bullshit Diving Bell and the Butterfly as well as Persepolis cannot be in the Best Foreign Film catergory. I dont fully understand and think its tragic, thought the academy did recognize Diving Bell for it's direction. One reveiw for teh film said that not one single inch of tehat film is not completely directed. it was a kinda of tongue in cheek complements i suppose. and the fil also was nomiated for best cinemotography which i equally cannot predict. though i literally just watch There will be Blood and my heart is still pounding from images of burning oil wells and piercing eyes peeking out from oil crusted faces.

Paul Dano

Paul Dano screams like a girl..
...and it sends tingles down my spine.

Monday, February 11, 2008



I have a new secret on-line obsession. Some people get hooked on peoples blogs...i am far too lazy to read that shit. breif as blogs may be.
I am hooked on a variety of flickr subscribers with obsessive photo habits.
Currently i check the portfolio of a new york comedian with a sketch show on tv, whom loves to photograph and write brief reviews of meals he has eaten in new york. they are not funny but oddly adorable because of his genuine enthusiasm for tasting new things.
also he is kinda of a little guy so i find his big appetite impressive.
He preformed at ahsow i saw in brroklyn and during it he made this random reference to the change in the size of a particular dish they served at the bar...and i felt i could really appreciate he attention to that detail knowing how much he appreciates food.
then i have a college friend whom takes daily photos of herself and then logs what she is wearing and where all the itesm she wearing are from. which apparently there is a community of this type of blogger.
then i have a flickr contact whom also takes daily photos of herself with a pretty awesome high res camera. she got hundreds of self portraits... mostly cu of her face with various lighting or textures techniques. She is pretty girl and she rarely varies from the CU or medium shot of her face looking perplexed or saucy. i would love to see her experiment with different styles and perhaps not always seeming so pretty and big eyed.
i find that this type of blogging is more honest and revealing then many of the writing bloggers or tumblr using pussies i know. this is not to say a photo cannot lie. it sure can. place the right objects in a scene you convey any number of meanings.
but a with this type of obsessive photographer a greater sensitivity and character is revealed. observed over time, despite what is they have in their pictures you come to understand a certain level of vulnerability.

for my flickr you can go to....

Friday, February 8, 2008

Tommy Lee Jones is the Shit




My roommate told me she was talking about the elections with her British ex in England. He commented on how funny it is Americans treat our election like a sporting event and the UK interest in Super Tuesday. I was sooo embarrassed by the idea that the UK or the world even, has picked up on the fact our media has labeled election day Super Tuesday. I mean really, it’s like your mom showing your friends pictures of you in the bathtub when you were a baby.

While i Wonder

I tried out a new gym in the financial district yesterday. Afterwards I wondered around the neighborhood and found a little patch of cemetery that was so amazingly Gothic and unexpected. As I rounded the iron fencing taking photos, I noticed a sign commemorating 9/11. at first it seem a little random then I turned around and realized that I was standing across the street from ground zero.

As I entered a subway station I passed tow police man with dog discussing the temperament of their “partners”. As I descended the stairs I heard one of the men say…”yeah if he even hears children I gotta tighten the lead….” !

In the subway this station had dozens of these tile mosaic eyes randomly placed on the walls. Various eyes of all shapes and colors staring at you from every nook and cranny of the station.

It had a very all seeing effect which seems fitting for this particular stop and its location. Perhaps it was intended to give this watchful feeling, a display of NY diverse population and it heighten awareness of itself and happenings.