Monday, May 2, 2011



Still writing here for long entries but hit me up on tumblr as well for more art and movie clips.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Paltrow got some goop

I really really really really hate to admit this but G-dog lifestyle website is actually not that bad. Some interesting content...i know i hate to say it cuz i wanna hate on this chick.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I wanna POny


Here are few of our favorite Only the best, bravest, and most beautiful practice at the feet of the guru, who sits cross-legged on a giant inflatable leather throne against the back wall. He’s in a black Speedo, bare-chested, his hair tied in a topknot. His triceps stand out like pistons. Sometimes a woman will brush his hair or wash and massage his feet. He resembles a cartoon genie on his magic carpet. Between cell-phone calls, he barks Bengali-inflected criticisms and corrections into his headset. He speaks only in exclamation points.

The Bikram Diet of meat, coke, sex:

Choudhury has other quirks too. He says he eats a single meal a day (chicken or beef, no fruit or vegetables), drinks only water and Coke, and needs only two hours of sleep a night. Then there are the stories about him having sex with his students. When I ask him about this, he doesn’t deny it—he claims they blackmail him: “Only when they give me no choice! If they say to me, ‘Boss, you must fuck me or I will kill myself,’ then I do it! Think if I don’t! The karma

Instilling inspiration:

When I get up to go, he takes my hand. “It is very simple,” he says. “Go do good in the world, like me. Teach them their mind has a screw loose. It hates itself, it hates its body. But the lotus can grow in the garbage! Make them fall in love with themselves! That is the secret. I tell the same thing to my good friends, and they write Chicken Soup for the Soul. They sell, what, 10 million copies? You can trust me.” (You’ll have to—the authors wouldn’t confirm any interaction with Choudhury.)

Even Cats Love Dolphins

Busey-isms....Live by them


Blairs 16 million reserve


MY NEW FAVORITE COMIC BOOK .I was looking up octopuss pie ( as in a pie filled with octopuss) and I came up with this amazing comic about life in Brooklyn. Its so dead on about BK life.

George Takei I luuuuurrrrv you

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Temple Grandin Design

Temple Grandin is a prominent researcher in the field of animal psychology, ethology and behavior and has completed several designs for ranching and animal processing facilities. She is one of few professionals actively working to design spaces with the well-being of animals in mind — and she is not an architect. Temple’s expertise lies mainly in animal psychology and her spaces are designed to help soothe an otherwise anxious animal on the way to processing. Her designs address an animal’s field of vision and physical position relative to other animals, along with peripheral objects that may excite them. The designs are often highly curvilinear to minimize peripheral vision and convey a sense to the herding livestock that they are in fact returning home and not to the slaughter.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Natalie Merchant-Kind And Generous

I just fucking love this video and song.

Perfect - Aerobics Dance scene

This scene is really really really long....I mean there is a good 5 minutes of thrusting. John Travolta is sooo into it!

Westboro Baptist Church Protest

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities, which includes picketing funerals such as Christina Greens, the 9 yr old victim at the Arizona shooting. The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League andSouthern Poverty Law Center. It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists mostly of members of his large family, in 2007, it had 71 members. ( sample text, Wikipedia)
I think the real victim here are the children who participate in these hate protests. These images reminded me of girl i knew in High School. She was really very quit and kept to herself. She was really plain looking, dress mostly in sprot clothing and sported a short crops do. the whole look made it easy to mistake her for a kind of husky boy. One day i noticed a pin on her jersey, don't know why i asked about it. Not like i was the most out going then either. She told me it was for her youth group, it stood for Kindness, Karing, and Kindship.....KKK. She said it in such a calm, simple way that I didn't even register what she was saying at the time. Sometimes when that stuff is apart of your way of life, it just seems like just that a way of life. Like eating cereal in the morning or wearing a certain kind of socks. when you are young you don't take note of things sometimes in the same way you would as an adult. I always wonder about her now, as an adult.

E.A.G HTFD Anthem GTV.mp4

East Bridge Anthem Big Flexx GTV.mp4

I am from East Hartford. As ghetto as this video is. It's kind of a true example of the town.
Be patient with the ridiculous amount of credits in the beginning. If you are from EH you get this video best, anyone else it might just be another amateur rap video.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You know what they say about Asian man

Vincent Gallo Offering Personal Services

VINCENT GALLO evenings, weekends escort.


wish, dream or fantasy with VINCENT GALLO, ladies only

Vincent Gallo is offering his "personal service" on his website.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gabriel Dawe, Rainbow Thread INstallation

The installation artwork of Gabriel Dawe, who uses some wood, nails, and colored thread to create these stunning colorful visuals.plexus no. 4 + site specific installation at the dallas contemporary + gütermann thread, wood and nails + 11' x 25' x 25' + 2010

People Living in Flood Tunnel Under Las Vegas

Das Park Hotel – Linz, Austria

Cool T-Shirts

Tavi AWESOME feminist sweater

She says it was a gift from a friend who was gifted it by textile artist Elyse Allen.

South African artist Brandt Botes

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life On Mars

Nina Simone - Love Me Or Leave Me

Antichrist - Official Trailer

They were not kidding when critics said Antichrist is one of the most shocking movies to ever be seen at Cannes. It's really beautifully shot, the character and dialog intrigued me but it is very disturbing and not for everyone.I am not offended or intimidated by Lars Von Trier. He is a masterful fearless filmmaker. It took a lot of guts and trust for William Defoe and Charlotte Gainsburg to make this movie. Something about inspires because of that. That trust creative people can have for one another ...movies aren't made like this enough...sometime you have to ake something to the edge to get people thinking about doing something differently.


William Defoe is amazingly creepy

Mouth to Mouth - Trailer

One of my new favorite movies...not that you could watch it over and over again. but i was pretty blown away by it and Ellen Pages performance.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trick Cinematography

Again, how are they doing this? This is a scene from I saw the Devil... How does the camera move around the space to get this 360 shot? are the walls being moved in and out or are they put in later in post in someway?

Trick Cinematography

I wish I paid better attention in film school...I have so many questions now about how they shoot things? Like this scene from Let Me was this rigged? I know the camera is doing much of the implied movement but how are the objects flown around. is this done a lot simpler then i imagine?