Monday, December 10, 2007

i don't know who i love more

I don't know who to be more enamored with this artist, Jason Rudolph Pena or his subject my long time crush Zach Galifiankis.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Heist

Wintertime is impossible slow for me. last year i was working at teh ice sculpture studio so i wasnt aware of the fact teh winter is usually a dead season for productions.
and witht eh strike it is a particualr bare workfeild.
So i have much free time on my hands these days. besides a few days in Lipstick jungle here or there to pay the rent i am usually spending my days painting or making hand made christmas presents. yes it is gonna be one of those chrsitmas's.
I got a call to work on a SCAD grad thesis film that was shooting a few exteriors here in new yroks. Though i will get nothing out of and i barely know the grad student whose film it is. I agreed to help out anyways. I was all exteriors, mostly night and shooting on a rooftop in Bushwick. the first night it began to snow and ice over the roof.
I did a bunch of runs so unlike most of crew i spent little time lingering on the roof. But i will give much props to the cew that came all the way up from the warmth of Savannh to stand ona windy winter rooftop to make this movie happen. They probably one of the best crew i have seen in a long time.
they reminded me of some of teh better crew i got to be a patr of before i left savannah. I was really proud of them.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

I am thinking about the next phase of my tattoo.
If i get my apprenticeship, then i plan to continue my tattoo to signify this new phase in my life.
What exactly it will be i am unsure of ...i have high acceptations since i am so pleased with how the first part of it came out.
I know it will in incorporates the same photo realistic nature theme but i would like it to branch off in an organic movement across my back and eventually i will have my back entirely covered.
i would like to incorporate things from nature that remind me of home like damsel flies, more ivy, fall leaves, elder berries, spiders, and such.
Also i would like to attempt to subtly add small fantasy element in the style of Brian Froad illustrations within the composition.
I would like to make this a continuous work of art that i will only allow myself to work on when signifigant moments occur in my life.
I am very tempted to have it worked on but i know i would regret it if i rushed it.

2 greats

Great personalities....

I love a great interviewers. It seems as though with mass media as it is today there a fewer and fewer true great interviewers on television. knowing that there is so much competition out there you'd think that there would be more tv personalities trying to ask more intriguing questions.
David Letterman and Charlie rose are still good at not letting people off to easy...see Letterman's recent Paris interview. But he is still quite tamed by network standards.
Chelsea Lately is a recent host whom i enjoy because she really doesn't often take soft punches at her guests but she doesn't really get to many a list guest either.

But Tom Synder is one of the greats...if i had only the chance to pick the brain of one of these great personalities he has gotten o sit down with it would make my life.
He has truly had an amazing career.

Friday, December 7, 2007


OH the hotness

I don't know if i am one to have a type but there are a few things in this world that i definitely have a hard on for.

1)Jew fro
2)Glasses - i love guys in glasses, cuz i secretly think they might have super powers and they look smart.
3)Husky boys - yeah, I'll love a big man. but i prefer a husky boys whose always been a husky boy. not fatty who let himself go after high school.
4)Funny - Every girl claims to want a man who can make her laugh. I really want want a man who gets my humor.
5)Obsessive about _________. i like when someone has an odd obsession. not a sports fan or a stamp collector but some nerd-a-riffic encyclopedic knowledge of something.
6) Math Skills - yeah that s big pantie dropper for me. I LOVE mathematicians.
7)Organizational skills - i find good organizational skills strangely erotic.

alternate attractions:
Eaters - I don't like picky eaters. I tend to be turned off by vegetarians even though i have been one for years. I have this strange association of manliness to man whom have big appetites.
Red Heads - I guess having dark hair and dark eyes i find fair , freckled, red heads kind of exotic. I have hooked up with nothing but red heads since moving to New York.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Internet Guilty Pleasures

I make fun of Nicole for her internet obsessions but i got a few of my own.

I love reading true crime stories and even though i am known for my fickle attention span i can never get enough of this site.

Then of course i gotta get my gossip and the View has mentioned him far too many times for me not to check him out.

So there is and i do love the smoking gun site.

but my all time of waste of internet time has to be my new discovery.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This video make me think James Franco just might not be the Dbag i aalways assumed he was.

Mila either, i guess she is not a dbag.

they really ...i mean ...just get it...don't they. they really get The Hills. For all its deeeper meaning.

It takes a true talent to be able to recreate these facinating people we veiw ...on The Hills.

Holla at yah girl

I think you should definitely make an effort to try to attempt to work up the nerve to high five someone today.

but not me cuz i will most likely smack you in the face. unless its a top gun high five which i will complete with a 65% chance of me smacking you in the face.

Better odds of no face smack. Go with the Fresh Prince fiver with a Kid and Play dance move to end it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Lady Rappers

I wanna get my nails done but i really don't have the lifestyle for it. When i get art department work my hands and nails take a beating. I constantly have my hands in plasters, paints, and vanishes. There is no way i could keep them looking fresh. but if i do get a break where i can go without working for a while i think i am gonna get some lime green nails with a beach scene on them and a little diamond on each middle finger.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kara Walker

I 've been researching various artist whom use silhouette in their work, for inspiration for my own cut paper studies.
Kara Walker understands the evocative nature of form and negative space. Her work inspires me to take more risks and attempt to address issues with my work rather then allow myself the safety of ambiguity as i have.

I wanna have a Dinner Party

People i would love to meet but lets face it i am too awkward to be allowed anywhere near people who get on tv.
So far think i would invite Maria Bamford, Will Ferrel to my dinner party....but they are both very funny and i think i could easily get cut out of the conversation. Or banter or impressions or imporve they would burst inot at my tbale to let hold on their inivtes then.

See Maria Bamford Show on Super Delux

or Watch Will Ferrel